Strengthening Ukraine’s health care for a resilient future

Progressive Ukraine series

Policy Brief


The availability and effectiveness of healthcare infrastructure are critical for both immediate humanitarian response and longterm societal recovery, especially in a country embroiled in war. The Russian full-scale invasion has placed immense strain on Ukraine’s already fragile healthcare system, exacerbating pre-existing challenges such as underfunding, limited capacity, and workforce shortages. This situation underscores the need for targeted reforms and resource allocation to ensure accessibility and resilience.

Rebuilding efforts must address systemic fragmentation, integrating diverse stakeholders like international donors, civil society, and unions, while prioritizing long-term self-reliance through financial sustainability and institutional development. A successful recovery requires inclusive policy-making, anticorruption measures, and investments in infrastructure and workforce capacity to meet Ukraine’s future healthcare needs. Drawing from expert interviews and qualitative research, this policy brief highlights the complexities of Ukraine’s healthcare reform in the context of crises like war and the COVID-19 pandemic, offering insights into the challenges and opportunities for sustainable recovery.

About the Progressive Ukraine series

This publication is part of the ‘Progressive Ukraine‘ series. The ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine has profoundly impacted the European peace and security architecture. Yet, with policy-making increasingly centred on security, there is a need for a forward-thinking approach that extends beyond the threat of military confrontation to enhance societal resilience. Through the analytical series “Progressive Ukraine” and the book “Europe and the war in Ukraine: From Russian aggression to a new Eastern policy” (2023), we want to show that social democrats can help Ukraine build a resilient and prosperous society, serving as a beacon for a more just and equitable Europe. Such transformation must prioritise the well-being of all citizens, fostering a proactive state that protects by addressing security needs and balancing social, industrial, and technological progress with equality and sustainability.

Amicus Europæ
Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)
Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
Karl Renner Institut
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