18:00 - 20:00
Austrian Permanent Representation, Brussels
Austrian Permanent Representation, Av. de Cortenbergh 30, 1000 Bruxelles
The European Pillar of Social Rights

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In view of the redesign of EU economic governance, the start of a new legislature in Brussels in 2024, the upcoming European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) review of 2025, and in the context of the war in Ukraine, the ‘cost-of-living’ crisis, the transitions, and the splintering of the political landscape, the EPSR and its role as a compass and a positive, counter-crisis narrative has never been more important. With the change of the European Commission and the new Parliament, and in our context of permacrisis, the emphasis on the EPSR and the implementation of its 20 thematic rights and principles must be safeguarded.

FEPS, Social Platform, Solidar, AK EUROPA, and the European Policy Centre organised a policy dialogue to propose lines of action to keep the EPSR spirit alive and promote legislative action during the next mandate.

Building on a stakeholders’ consultation, the European Policy Centre, authors Danielle Brady, Tommaso Grossi and Laura Rayner, formulated preliminary policy proposals for the design of a ‘Shadow European Social Agenda’, with recommendations that can influence the review of the Social Pillar Action Plan, and the next European Commission work programme and Council Strategic Agenda.

The European Pillar of Social Rights

Among our speakers, we welcomed:

  • Agnes Jongerius, MEP S&D
  • László Andor, FEPS Secretary General
  • Tea Jarc, Confederal Secretary, ETUC
  • Fabien Dell, Head of Unit, European Commission
  • Bjorn Hacker, Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW), Berlin
  • Francesco Corti, Advisor Belgian Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health
  • Heather Roy, Acting President of Social Platform
  • Judith Vorbach, Head of AK Europa’s Brussels office

This event brought together policymakers, trade unions, civil society representatives, academics, and experts to engage in a critical discussion about the future of the EPSR and its pivotal role in shaping the European Union’s social policies.

For more information regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact Euléane Omez, FEPS Project Management Coordinator (euleane.omez@feps-europe.eu)

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