‘Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future 2024’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future 2024‘ in […]


Photo album of the ‘Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future 2024‘ in Siena, Italy.

The Vision Think Tank, in partnership with the University of Siena and the European University Institute (EUI), organised the fifth Siena Vision Conference on the Europe of the Future from 12 to 15 September in Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italy, in collaboration with the think tanks of the five largest European political parties; besides FEPS, the other political foundations were represented by the Martens Institute, the European Liberal Forum, New Direction, and the Green European Foundation. Therefore, the conference aimed to provide a multi-partisan problem-solving hub of ideas at a time crucial to Europe’s future.

Under the motto ‘Agenda Setting for a Union at a Crossroad‘, around 80 intellectuals, policymakers, entrepreneurs, managers, journalists, economists, and students gathered in Siena to join a more informal conversation on the European future and its most recent challenges.

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