Francesco CORTI

Associate Research Fellow at CEPS, Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan, and Research Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI). Expert in European social and employment policies, European economic governance EU budget and comparative welfare states, with a focus on social investment policies, Francesco provided research and advisory services to various Brussels-based think tanks and EU institutions. He served as policy advisor to a Member of European Parliament in the ECON Committee between 2016 and 2019 and regularly serves as an external expert to the European Court of Auditors and Eurofound.

Find all publications by Francesco CORTI

The role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in strengthening childcare policies

Recovery Watch series

Inequalities in the European Semester

Since its inception, the European Semester has attracted interest in its effects on EU’s social […]

SURE: A quick fix to be welcomed in the search for long-term solutions

On 1st April, European Commission President von der Leyen announced the proposal to create a […]

Social Investment Now! Advancing Social EU through the EU Budget

In her 16th of July 2019 Opening Statement to the European Parliament, Ursula von der […]
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Find all Progressive Post by Social Investment Now! Advancing Social EU through the EU Budget
Progressive Post

What about an EU social card?

Maurizio Ferrera and Francesco Corti explain why they think an ‘EU social card’ is a good idea.

Numerous tensions stand in the way of agreement on the european social pillar

Drawing on the framework put forward by Maurizio Ferrera, one may identify at least four areas of conflict that will shape decision-making in the European Parliament.
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Find all events with Francesco CORTI
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting)

Social Europe in the new EU Economic Governance framework

Integrating social investment & social policy actors

Call to Europe – The future is social

Call to Europe: The Future is Social – took place in Brussels on 30 April […]
Austrian Permanent Representation, Brussels

The European Pillar of Social Rights

Turning principles into practice
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Find all news about Francesco CORTI

How to make the best use of the Resilience and Recovery Fund

The first results of the Recovery Watch research project were presented to the Italian public in Rome on 15 December
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In the media

PNRR e scuola: nuovi nidi a rischio fra ritardi burocratici e educatori introvabili

by Corriere della Sera 16/12/2022
'NRRP and school: new nurseries at risk between bureaucratic delays and unavailable educators'. Corriere della Sera article on FEPS Policy Study 'The role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in strengthening childcare policies'
Find all audiovisual with Francesco CORTI

‘Social Europe in the new EU Economic Governance framework’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Social Europe in the new EU Economic Governance framework‘ at FEPS’ […]

‘Call to Europe: The Future is Social’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Call to Europe: The Future is Social‘ You can watch the […]