Fair, robust and sustainable

A recipe for Europe's growth



Co-produced by FEPS and Italianieuropei, this book, which includes contributions by some of the most authoritative experts on infrastructure development and welfare reform, sets out to address the crucial and topical question of European growth from transnational perspectives.

The integrated Europe is called upon to draw up and promote a strategy for the governance of the market that opens up new prospects for economic growth and civil progress for European citizens.

Co-produced by FEPS and Italianieuropei, « Fair, Robust and Sustainable. A Recipe for Europe’s growth » has been edited by Claudio De Vicenti, Italian Deputy Minister for Economic Development since November 2011 and Professor of Economics at the University “La Sapienza”, Rome.

This book includes contributions by some of the most authoritative experts on infrastructure development and welfare reform, sets out to address the crucial and topical question of European growth from transnational perspectives.

It is a valuable and ambitious project, proposing policies and solutions that – taking into due account the differences between cultures, backgrounds and experiences – could be adopted by the EU member states in order to encourage that qualitative leap Europe is waiting for.

Fondazione Italianieuropei
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by Caucasus Watch 28/12/2024
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