The generational impact of the Coronavirus pandemic

The GENERA project, promoted by FEPS and the Felipe González Foundation, among others, contributes to […]

Policy Study


The GENERA project, promoted by FEPS and the Felipe González Foundation, among others, contributes to bridge the gap between generations through seminars, studies and debates. The newest study in the frame of GENERA has been realized in order to continue building on this intergenerational dialogue. Based on a 1,000-survey response in Spain, the report sheds a light on the generational impact of the coronavirus pandemic from a multidimensional perspective, taking into account the experiences of young people and comparing them to those of the older generations.

Full report (EN) / Full report ES

The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is having a tremendous impact on the Spanish, the European and the world population. The latest economic data and forecasts point to an unprecedented recession in Spain, which is being even greater among the younger generations, whose working conditions and economic capacity were already greatly damaged by the previous recession in 2008.

Experiencing two different crises in such a short period of time will have a huge impact on their lives, their thoughts, their actions and their behaviours. The newest report by FEPS and the Felipe González Foundation aims at providing a greater understanding to national and European progressive policy-makers of the main issues facing this generation.

Executive Summary in Eglish / in Spanish

Full report (EN) / Full report (ES)

Fundación Felipe Gonzalez
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