A Digital Union based on European values

FEPS Primer series - Ivana Bartoletti



The need to balance economic and social integration

A Digital Union based on European Values is the newest addition to the FEPS Primer series. The Primer Series are books written with an educational purpose, to help new audiences enter specific thematic fields. Ivana Bartoletti’s A Digital Union based on European values offers insight into how digital policy has been made at the EU level, the main tools used, the most important actors and the path forward. 

The purpose of this primer is threefold. First, to create a shared understanding of the evolution of the digital ecosystem from the internet to decentralisation, and to fully comprehend the changes that foundational models are bringing into our world. 

Second, to appreciate the full range of activities undertaken by the EU, aimed at giving structure to the EU’s ambition to achieve technological sovereignty. 

Third, we will face the problem that, despite all its ambition, Europe is still lagging behind in technology. Sovereignty, conceived here as Europe’s ability to stand tall in a complex global supplychain, requires a multi-layered approach, the creation of internal demand, a new role for government and a determination to digitise public services. 

This book comes highly recommended, as a essential reading for those eager to shape digital policy. Bartoletti’s primer equips progressives with a clear compass to navigate a world shaped by AI and digital platforms.

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