(Re)Building the future

Progressive Ukraine series

Policy Study


Harnessing youth potential for post-war recovery and transformation of Ukraine

The Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has had a catastrophic effect on Ukrainian youth, and this will continue into the future. As a result, young Ukrainians emerge as an important target group for public policies once the post-war recovery process commences. This policy study highlights the importance of perceiving youth positively as active stakeholders who themselves should be involved in Ukraine’s recovery and transformation.

In this analysis, Alonso Escamilla highlights the importance of recognising Ukrainian youth as active stakeholders in their nation’s transformation and post-war recovery. The study offers valuable insights from successful post-war recovery practices while urging relevant stakeholders to tailor these measures to their specific profiles, regions, and situations.

The author draws attention to the importance of social and psychological well-being, vocational education, and social security, and presents a holistic framework for successful youth reintegration. The outlined approach advocates for data-driven policymaking, prioritising inclusiveness, and fostering community-centric recovery efforts.

About the Progressive Ukraine series

This publication is part of the ‘Progressive Ukraine‘ series. This series delves into the multifaceted aspects that underscore the significance of adopting a socio-democratic framework for Ukraine’s recovery and its further democratic transformation. Securing military assistance for Ukraine’s war effort against an aggressor is undeniably crucial to ensure its triumph on the battlefield and safeguard Europe’s security in the face of the Russian threat. However, transcending the developments on the battlefield, the focus must shift towards laying the foundation for a comprehensive, holistic concept of security during the post-war phase. The true measure of sustainable peace lies not only in military victory but also in the subsequent efforts to foster a resilient democracy and cultivate an inclusive socio-democratic model which protects the citizens.

The path toward recovery and transformation demands a concerted effort to align objectives with socio-democratic ideals. This entails not only reconstructing physical infrastructure but also revitalising the social fabric, ensuring justice, and promoting equal opportunities for all citizens. Therefore, in contemplating the aftermath of the war, it becomes imperative to embrace a broader perspective that encompasses not only the traditional aspects of security but also its social, political, and economic dimensions. It is not merely about rebuilding what was lost but about constructing and/or transforming a society into the one which thrives on progressive values, social inclusivity, and democratic principles.

Amicus Europæ
Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)
Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
Karl Renner Institut
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