14:30 - 16:30
Brussels, Belgium
Beyond Growth Conference

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The Beyond Growth 2023 Conference is a multi-stakeholder event aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in Europe, based on a systemic and transformative approach to economic, social and environmental sustainability and its encompassing governance framework.

This three days major event is a cross-party initiative of 20 Members of the European Parliament, supported by a wide-range of partner organisations, which follows the success of the Post-Growth 2018 conference. It will take place in the European Parliament. Live streaming will also be available.

FEPS joined this conference as a partner in the organisation of two panels, dedicated to the socioecological state and to the care economy:

Focus panel 5 – From the welfare state to the social-ecological state: how to organise and finance welfare without growth?


  • Philippe Lamberts – MEP and Co-President (Greens/EFA), Beyond Growth Conference organiser


  • Juliana Wahlgren – Director, European Anti-Poverty Network
  • Milena Buchs – Professor, University of Leeds
  • Timothée Parrique – Researcher, Lund University
  • Simone d’Alessandro – Professor, University of Pisa


  • Maria João Rodrigues – FEPS President
  • Sebastiano Sabato – Senior researcher, European Social Observatory (OSE)
  • Anne Van LanckerSolidar President

Focus panel 7 – Care economy: doing away with gender blind policies for a beyond growth future


  • Maria Walsh – MEP (EPP), Beyond Growth Conference Organiser


  • Ipek Ilkkaracan – Professor of at Istanbul Technical University, President of the International Association for Feminist Economics
  • Hans Dubois – Research Manager at Eurofound
  • Mary Collins – Senior Advocacy and Policy Coordinator, European Women’s Lobby
  • Tim Jackson – Professor and Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), University of Surrey
  • Robert Sweeney – Senior Economic and Policy Analyst, Think-tank for Action on Social Change Ireland (TASC)


  • Laeticia Thissen – Policy analyst on gender equality, FEPS

For more information, please contact Luis Saez Jimenez, FEPS Project Officer, at luis.saez@feps-europe.eu

European Social Observatory (OSE)
European Trade Union Confederation ETUC
European Women’s Lobby
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN)
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In the media

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