08:00 - 09:15
Málaga, Spain (Expert meeting)
Leading, not leaning

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The breakfast meeting ‘Leading, not leaning – the ways PES can be a pioneer in the sphere of transnational politics in 2024 and beyond‘ was an expert seminar organised by FEPS together with the S&D Group, Young European Socialists and partners in the project: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Fundación Pablo Iglesias and Max van der Stoel Foundation. It occured on the fringe of the PES Congress, taking place in Malaga, Spain, on 10-12 November 2023.

This session was an occasion to hear the views of the S&D Group Members of the European Parliament, who lead on the dossier of ‘Strengthening and Deepening of the Political Union’ and enter into an exchange with the invited guests from within the PES Sister Parties Delegation, jointly reflecting on the potential avenues for PES to continue being a champion and innovator when it comes to representative and participatory democracy on the EU level. 

This discussion formed an integral part of the FEPS – FES Brussels’ project ‘Living up to, not leaving aside – The Progressive Strategy towards the Elections 2024‘, which focuses on the mechanisms of trans-partisan cooperation and aims to offer impulses for how to consolidate the pillar of transnational politics further.

Among the speakers:

  • Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President
  • Katarina Barley, MEP, S&D Group, PES Executive Vice-President
  • Gabriele Bischoff, MEP, S&D Group
  • Sofie Amalie Stage, Secretary General of Young European Socialists
  • Lina Gálvez Muñoz, MEP, S&D Group and President of FEPS Scientific Council
  • Hana Jalloul, Deputy President of the Socialist parliamentary group

For more information, please contact Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training (ania.skrzypek@feps-europe.eu). 

Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)
Fundación Pablo Iglesias
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
Young European Socialists (YES)
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