Training of trainers third session

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS), and […]

29 - 01/12/2024
Tallinn, Estonia (Training)
Training of trainers third session

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The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS), and the Karl-Renner-Institut, in cooperation with the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity, were delighted to announce the next edition of the European Training of Trainers (ToT), which took place in Tallinn, Estonia – where it was be co-hosted by SDE on 29 November to 1 December 2024.

The event followed the two very successful editions in La Hulpe (Belgium) and Vienna (Austria) and focused on bringing together educators and facilitators from Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden and Finland. It was designed in a way that allowed the participants to upgrade their skills and deepen their knowledge in regards to in-formal and non-formal education, get familiar with the newest methodologies and exchange experiences with their peers, and also become qualified members of the PoT (Pool of Trainers) – which FEPS vastly relied on in building its profile as a centre for progressive civic education and as a community, whose member will be involved in a vast range of the capacity building events in the years to come.

Participants were trainers who have some experience facilitating or training groups and who were willing to train in areas such as:

  • Democracy
  • Campaigning
  • Media
  • Public speaking
  • Advocacy
  • Thematic issues are relevant to progressive and/or social-democratic politics (e.g. gender, housing, social policies, green policies, anti-racism etc).

Please email Caitlin Reder, Project Officer, at if you match the profile and are interested in taking part in the next edition:

  • Please send a short CV and a paragraph stating your expectations and argue why you should be granted a place in the Training of Trainers in Tallinn.
  • The deadline for submission for this training was 10 November.
  • Please email if you have any questions.

FEPS works on a first-come-first-served basis, and hence, nominees accepted will be instantly informed about the positive decision (after the application is verified) and will be assisted in travel arrangements directly from within FEPS.

Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)
Karl Renner Institut
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