FEPS Newsletter 12 July 2024 – 📢 Economic Democracy – People over profits

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Economic Democracy

What would our economy look like if our policies prioritised the inclusion of people over profit maximisation?


Together with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Open Society Foundations (OSF), we convened researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and activists to explore modern approaches and practices that help build and scale up economic democracy in the following fields: 

  • Democracy in public spending: Spending for people’s well-being 
  • Democracy at the workplace: Sharing power through employee participation and ownership
  • Democratising public services: How to make public ownership democratic.

We were joined by renowned speakers, such as Oliver Röpke, EESC President; Idoia Mendia, S&D MEP; Graça Fonseca, former Minister of Culture and former State Secretary for Administrative Modernisation of Portugal; and the research team behind the 📕 policy study ‘Building Economic Democracy in Europe—Dr. Andrew Cumbers, Dr. Karen Bilsland, and Dr. Robert McMaster.

Building Economic Democracy in Europe

The policy study launched at this event is part of the FEPS-OSF project on Economic Democracy to explore and spread best practices and strategies to build people’s power in the economic domain.


Ahead of the G20 that will take place in Brazil in November, FEPS is working closely with the T20 network to advocate for a New Global Deal. This network is committed to strengthening the participation of think tanks and academic institutions in the G20 process.


FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues represented FEPS at the T20/C20 Midterm Conference, which took place in Brazil on July 1-3. On this occasion, she presented the proposals to address the current global challenges and to reform global governance included in the new book ‘A New Global Deal‘.

More than 35 new members joined us to kick off the 9th cycle of the FEPS YAN (in collaboration with the Karl-Renner-Institut). Over two days, they dived into interdisciplinary research. In a few months, their efforts will culminate in the production of impactful papers. This new chapter started on a high note with contributions from renowned speakers, such as Andreas Schieder, MEP of the S&D Group

The Progressive Post
UK Elections


UK elections

The change, the chance and the challenge

On 4 July, the UK voted in the general elections. The Labour party emerged victorious, winning 412 out of 650 seats in the House of Commons. The outcomes of these general elections have been received enthusiastically abroad. They are an encouraging example that a centre-left party can successfully overcome internal and external difficulties, renew itself and march back to power. But at the same time, there should be no illusion about the challenges ahead.


Read the elections’ analysis:

Photo credits: Shutterstock/Svet foto

In the electoral night of 9 June, after the outcome of the European elections, President Macron made an unexpected announcement, calling for snap national elections. He considered them essential, after the Rassemblement National emerged as the first party in the EP elections, winning a third of the votes. In parallel, his own party Ensemble had lost close to half of its seats and, simultaneously, the Parti Socialiste made an improbable revival, doubling its seats. Many analysts wondered if the presidential gamble was a reckless one, or one able to revitalise French democracy. 


Read the elections’ analysis:

Photo credits: Shutterstock/Jean-Marc Richard

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

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