

This book discusses some of the rapidly emerging trends that define the digital economy and its interaction with the more traditional economic sectors, despite the increasingly blurry division line between the two. More importantly, the book addresses the wider consequences expected to influence the policy discourse with respect to working conditions, employment and social protection, regulatory environment, digital skills and qualifications, and many other related aspects. In doing so, it tries to bring insights into the complex web of interactions between technology, employment and social security, and how these interactions might be affected by current or future policies and regulations.

Contributors :

Ivo Blohm, Sahil Deva, David Durward, Ursula Holtgrewe, Ursula Huws, Jari Kuusisto, Jan M. Leimeister, Irene Mandl, Allan Mayo, Kristy Milland, Oliver Roethig, Torben Schenk, Jutta Steinruck, Ernst Stetter, Veronika Wasza, Werner Wobbe


Werner Wobbe, Elva Bova, and Catalin Dragomirescu-Gaina 


FEPS deeply regrets that Dr. Werner Wobbe, Member of FEPS Scientific Council and former member of the European Commission, initiator and one of the main contributors to the book, could not see this book finalised. He left us too quickly this spring 2016.

Launch book 

FEPS would like to organise in Autumn 2016 (16th November tbc) a public debate entitled The Digital Single Market: Millennials, Technology, Employment & Social Security

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