Launched in 2023, over two years, the Digital Research Programme: Algorithms in the Workplace investigates the developments of digital technologies for gig work, remote work, surveillance, and algorithmic management of workers on three different research strands:

What will be the effect of algorithmic decision-making systems and AI in the workplace? With the digital transition, the workplace has rapidly introduced digital technologies for remote work, surveillance, and algorithmic management of workers. It has already been shown that ubiquitous surveillance causes stress and anxiety among workers and decreases trust in the workplace.

There are also emerging signs that profound shifts in workplace management accompany algorithmic decision-making systems and affect the exercise of power and workers’ rights. This is especially visible in the platform economy but is spread widely across the economy, including in more ‘traditional sectors. The mainstreaming of automated management systems has implications for the social partnership between workers and companies and worker representation and consultation around the EU.

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Algorithmic management in traditional workplaces

Case studies on the impact of algorithmic technologies in seven sectors in the Nordics
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FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU's digital policy
Stockholm, Sweden

Algorithmic governance and the Swedish model

Impact of algorithmic management on workers and co-determination opportunities
Oslo, Norway

Algorithmic governance and the Norwegian model

Exploring the challenges and possibilities of workers’ organising vis-à-vis the digital
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Find all Progressive Post on AI at work
Progressive Post

Towards Sovereign AI: Europe´s greatest challenge?


Future-proofing AI: regulation for innovation, human rights and societal progress


Regulating AI: workers’ intellect versus Big Tech oligarchs

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Digital programme: Algorithms at the workplace

FEPS, together with Nordic partners, launched a Digital Programme on algorithmic management and workers' rights
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In the media

Regolamentare l’Intelligenza artificiale è la prossima frontiera progressista

by Gil Stati Generali 17/11/2024
The study "Algorithmic Management in the workplace| is discussed in this article on the implications of algorithmic managemnet on workers

Näitä työtehtäviä yritykset korvaisivat tekoälyllä

by MTV Uutiset 09/10/2024
Finnish Television interviews OP Yrityspanki CEO Katja Keitaanniemi and Demos Helsinki's senior expert Johannes Anttila about FEPS Policy Study 'Algorithmic management and workplace digitalisation in Finland'

Tekoäly tuli työpaikalle: Tuloksena kaaosta ja ärtyneitä asiakkaita

by Talouselämä 16/09/2024
'Artificial intelligence entered the workplace: The result is chaos and irritated customers' Finish article about FEPS Policy Study 'Algorithmic management and workplace digitalisation in Finland'

Työntekijöitä valvotaan algoritmeilla ja tekoälyllä

by Ylen Aamu 27/08/2024
"Employees are monitored with algorithms and artificial intelligence" Watch Jere Immonen's appearance on the Finnish TV morning news show Ylen Aamu, where he discusses his work on the country's case study for FEPS Digital Programme, focusing on the implementation of algorithmic systems in management across Finland

AI won’t replace quality journalism, but sector needs safeguarding, says socialist think tank head

by Euractiv 18/03/2024
Interview with FEPS President on the role of media in Europe’s future
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Find all audiovisual on AI at work

Becoming less dependent on Big Tech with Cecilia Rikap

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast Now that the transatlantic alliance has come […]

Becoming less dependent on Big Tech with Cecilia Rikap

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast Now that the transatlantic alliance has come […]

‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem’ Flickr album

Photo album of the event ‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem‘ Despite its role […]

‘Computer in command’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Computer in command‘ event at The European Economic and Social Committee. […]

A digital union based on EU values with Ivana Bartoletti

 📺 Available on YouTube and Apple Podcast In this episode of our podcast FEPS Talks, […]

A digital union based on EU values with Ivana Bartoletti

🔊 Available on Spotify and Apple Podcast In this episode of our podcast FEPS Talks, […]
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Network and Team

Monty AAL

Policy analyst on Digital
Monty Aal (he/him) joined FEPS in March 2025 as Policy Analyst on Digital. Before joining […]


Project Officer
Graduated in History at the University of Évora (Portugal), Luis also holds Master’s Degrees in […]


Director of Studies and Policy
David supervises and coordinates FEPS’ scientific quality and consultancy capacity, ensuring the policy-relevance and impact […]