00:00 - 00:00
Digital Capitalism Congress

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15-19 November 2021

Europe is setting the course today for the economy of tomorrow. The EU’s digital agenda plays a central role in this. In order to thrive within a competitive international environment, but above all to live up to its values and goals, Europe must establish its own, innovative economic model for the digital age.

What does an economic model look like, in which the use of big data and artificial intelligence is in harmony with democracy and social justice? How does the digital economy contribute to achieving Europe’s climate goals? And how sovereign is Europe on its way into the digital future?

At the Digital Capitalism Congress, we discussed the future together. For more information on the conference themes, you can read the article by Stefanie Moser from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Justin Nogarede from FEPS here.

FEPS Closing Event | Programme


Closing Event: Europe’s quest: an autonomous path for the digital decade?
19 November

FEPS organised the virtual closing event together with the Competence Centre on the Future of Work of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Keynote | Lost in transformation? Digital sovereignty and competence in times of crisis
Benjamin Bratton, Professor of Visual Arts and author of ‘The Stack. On Software and Sovereignty’ and ‘The Revenge of the Real. Politics for a Post-Pandemic World’
Moderated by Jennifer Baker, Journalist

Computational infrastructure is increasingly political, powerful, and global. That makes it difficult to control and shape by democracies, which are geographically bound. But to address today’s global challenges, from climate change to covid-19, digital technology cannot be ignored. What would a progressive effort to harness digital technology look like?

Panel discussion | Being autonomous? The EU’s vision for the digital decade
Francesca Bria, President, Italian National Innovation Fund
Paul Tang, Member, European Parliament
Sabine Pfeiffer, Professor and author of ‘Digital Capitalism and Distributive Forces’
Moderated by Jennifer Baker, Journalist

The Internet we know is made in the US and characterised by centralised power and commercial surveillance. The EU wants to do it differently: more autonomy to change course and spur a sustainable digital transition. And the corona-virus recovery funds offer a unique opportunity. But are the 2030 Digital Compass Strategy’s goals and the planned investments sufficient? Will the focus on national spending and market forces bring the desired change? This panel aimed to explore concrete steps for a more ambitious EU digital agenda.

Concluding remarks
Maria João Rodrigues, President, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)

Related materials

A Digital Agenda for Europe’s Economy: democratic, sustainable, fair – an article by Justin Nogarede, Foundation for European Progressive Studies, and Stefanie Moser, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

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