Policy Brief


The Progressive Migration Group (PMG) is a network of African and European migration experts established by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office. It explores the relations and cooperation between the European Union and the countries of origin and transit, with the aspiration of abandoning the prevailing stagnant narratives surrounding migration. Above all, the PMG has the ambition of formulating innovative recommendations and policy proposals for progressive forces at the EU and national levels in the field of migration management as well as in other policy areas that have an impact on migration causes and flows.

The Progressive Migration Group Recommendations to European and African lawmakers focus on “A development-oriented and rights-based approach to migration”. Throughout the two-year project, the group discussed the EU Asylum reform’s impact on African countries, challenges and opportunities concerning legal pathways, and African perspectives on EU migration and development policies.

The recommendations address the following points:

Challenges and opportunities with regard to legal pathways. One of the main features of European migration policies is their focus on border control, while policies aimed at strengthening legal pathways are lagging behind – despite the EU member states’ demographic trends and need for labour migration. The EU must move from a conditional and instrumental approach to migration to one that fosters mutual respect and understanding between Europe and Africa on the one hand, and that upholds inclusiveness and equal social protections for newcomers, on the other. 

African perspectives on EU migration and development policies. Migration is a major driver of development and prosperity. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognises migration as a powerful driver of sustainable development because migration benefits not only migrants and host countries, but also their communities – through social, technological, and skills transfers, as well as through investment and cultural diversity. The Progressive Migration Group therefore calls for a development-oriented and rights-based approach to EU migration policy. 

The EU Asylum reform’s impact on African countries. In 2024, the European institutions and EU member states reached a political agreement on a comprehensive reform of the EU asylum system. Despite the EU’s focus on externalisation, the Pact itself does not take into account the perspectives of partner countries. A paradigm shift in EU migration and asylum policies is urgently needed to ensure increased transparency, robust monitoring, and accountability for EU policies and programmes on the one hand, and a unified African response to the externalisation practices carried out by the EU, on the other. 

With the recommendations, the Progressive Migration Group intends to be a knowledge broker for European and African lawmakers.

The recommendations were presented during the Progressive Migration Group conference.

The views expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the views of any organisation to which a member of the Progressive Migration Group is affiliated.

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