’11th Barbara Prammer Symposium’ Flickr Album

Photo album of the event ‘11th Barbara Prammer Symposium‘ Public spending—such as on public transport, […]

11th Barbara Prammer Symposium

Photo album of the event ‘11th Barbara Prammer Symposium

Public spending—such as on public transport, playgrounds, or social projects—has a profound impact on daily life. For those aiming to advance equality, effective tools are essential, and gender budgeting is one such powerful instrument. Where does funding go, who benefits, and how can budgets be made gender-inclusive?

The Fourth World Conference on Women and the resulting Beijing Declaration adopted 30 years ago marked a major milestone for advancing women’s rights. Gender mainstreaming and, by extension, gender budgeting were set as goals. Whilst these principles have, as a result, been enshrined in the EU Treaties in 1997, Austria became the first country worldwide to include gender budgeting in its constitution. Since 2009, federal, state, and municipal budgets are required to strive for gender equality. However, the journey from goals to implementation remains challenging.

Which societal groups benefit from government initiatives, laws, subsidies, or tax incentives? How are public funds allocated? Existing international legal frameworks and the Austrian constitution provide a clear mandate, and this event sought to bring it to life. Together with experts from the EU, federal, and municipal levels, we discussed the prerequisites for a feminist and gender-equitable fiscal and budgetary policy.

Check out the highlights of the conference on Linkedin and Twitter!

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