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China: Dangerous rival or cooperation partner?

How can EU-China relations develop in a changing world with geopolitical conflicts?

Toward a progressive geopolitical EU


A New Global Deal

Reforming world governance

Progressive Yearbook 2024

Looking back to look ahead
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‘Realising the ambition of the Summit of the Future’ Flickr album

‘State of the Unions 2024’ Flickr album

‘T20/G20 Inputs for the SOTF’ Flickr album

‘A New Global Deal – Reforming world governance’ Flickr album

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Africa Day 2024 – Getting rights right

FEPS fringe events
New York, USA (Expert meeting)

A New Global Deal

Reforming world governance
19 - 23/09/2024
New York, USA

FEPS at the United Nations Summit of the Future

Shaping our common future
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FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues at the 2024 Understanding China Conference


Ahead of G20, FEPS president at the T20 and C20 Summit 2024


FEPS at the United Nations Summit of the Future


FEPS Delegation attends T20/C20 Midterm Conference in Brazil

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In the media

Las COP ya “no sirven” y deben ser reformadas, claman expertos en política climática

by La Vanguardia 15/11/2024
"COPs are “no longer useful” and in need of reform, say climate policy experts" Read this article of La Vanguardia about an open letter sent to Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, calling for a comprehensive reform of the climate conferences. Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, is among the signatories.

Ex-EU-Kommissar Andor: Orbán gerät an die Peripherie

by Austria Presse Agentur 28/05/2024
"Former EU Commissioner Andor: Orbán is relegated to the periphery" Austrian news agency APA interviewed FEPS Secretary General László Andor on Europe's political situation ahead of the upcoming EU elections.

Une réforme de l’UE qui intéressera forcément les Suisses

by Le Temps 24/11/2023
'EU reform bound to be of interest to the Swiss', an opinion piece in Le Temps on EU Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung

« Le moment est venu de lancer un débat sur la réforme de l’Union européenne »

by Le Monde 22/11/2023
'The time has come to launch a debate on the reform of the European Union', an opinion piece in Le Monde on Eu Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung
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