

“In the Name of Political Union – Europarties on the Rise” is the 7th volume of the book series, which published consequently since 2009 illustrate an intellectual journey that has taken place within the framework of the FEPS Next Left Research Programme. This initiative founded by FEPS together with Renner Institut and supported by respective FEPS members, is chaired by Dr. Alfred GUSENBAUER. The Programme includes nowadays three permanent research groups. Among them there is one on Eurodemocracy and europarties, which was launched upon 20 years anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht. Its pioneer work the editors are proud to present herewith.

The collection is organised in three chapters. The first one focuses on “The Role of Europarties in Shaping the Union” and is where A. SKRZYPEK, D. BAILEY, S. VAN HECKE and K.M. JOHANSSON debate challenges related with ongoing transformation of the europarties. They research the issues connected with the altering mechanisms of the intra-party cooperation, as also the questions of collective participation and democratic legitimacy. Secondly, “Progressive Strategies for overcoming the crisis” features contributions by R. LADRECH, M. HOLMES and S. LIGHTFOOT, E. KÜLAHCI, and G. MOSCHONAS. The authors examine the impact of the recent crisis on the europarties.

Their common hypothesis is that the last five years have seen the PES becoming bolder in terms of policies and stronger due to their consequent consolidation. These deliberations are complemented by the last chapter “Innovative ideas in designing the Eurocampaigns”.

There I. HERTNER, A. KROUWEL, J. REIS SANTOS and M. WALL look at the europarties through a prism of their relations with members and potential supporters. Contrasting the tendencies of overall decline of the “traditional parties” with the ambition of strengthening the European ones, they seek to identify a potential for organisational reenergising of their role as policy agents would be.

“In the Name of Political Union: Europarties on the Rise” presents an enthralling collection of valuable contributions, which paint an accurate panorama of political and partisan landscape on the EU level. Thanks to their interdisciplinary and pan-European character they make a strong case that there is a potential further development of the europarties and that a progressive family has a full potential to become protagonist of this process.

This message carries of course a great encouragement, which comes most timely while publishing the volume on the eve of the European elections.

Karl Renner Institut
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