00:00 - 00:00
UNited for a People-Powered Recovery

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Event, 17 November 2021

While the pandemic’s full impact is still being assessed at the global level, this year presents a significant opportunity to reflect, rethink and promote an equitable and sustainable post-COVID-19 recovery of our economies, societies, and environment.

Against this backdrop, FEPS is organising its 4th annual ‘UNited for’ conference. ‘UNited for a People-Powered Recovery was held on November 17, 2021.

Agenda | GPF

Session I: An opportunity for global change

  • Madeleine Albright, Former U.S. Secretary of State; Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group and Albright Capital Management
  • Josep Borrell, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission
  • Moderated by Maria João Rodrigues, President, Foundation for European Progressive Studies
  • Message by: Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Former President of Chile

Session II: A fair post-COVID world

  • Scene-setting message by Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labour Organization
  • Helen Clark, Former UNDP Administration; Former Prime Minister of New Zealand
  • Camilla Brückner, Representative of the UN Secretary-General to the EU and Director of the UN Office in Brussels
  • Howard Lee Chuan How, Former State Youth and Sports Minister for the State of Perak, Malaysia; Former IUSY President; State Legislative Assemblyperson for Perak State, Malaysia
  • Merav Michaeli, Minister of Transportation and Road Safety of Israel; Leader of the Labor Party of Israel
  • Arancha González Laya, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain
  • Moderated by László Andor, Secretary General, Foundation for European Progressive Studies

In the Media:

Socialist think tank chief: pandemic global failure but EU good exampleEURACTIV

UNited for a fairer and more sustainable recoveryEURACTIV

Post-pandemic recovery, a chance for renewed multilateralism?EURACTIV

EU sees strengthened partnership with US vital for global recoveryEURACTIV

FEPS annual conference ‘UNited for’ has been held since 2018 in New York ahead of the United Nations General Assembly.

The 2021 ‘UNited for’ edition has been a key part of the Global Progressive Forum (GPF) 2021. This flagship global progressive initiative is bringing together EU and UN Commissioners, Nobel Prize laureates, prime ministers, Members of the European Parliament, civil society representatives and activists from all over the world to develop a global progressive agenda.

Taking place more than a decade after GPF 2009 -a momentous gathering of global progressives in Brussels including the current UN Secretary-General Antonío Guterres and former U.S. president Bill Clinton-, the 2021 edition will once again aim to discuss how to better channel globalisation for the benefit of everyone.

You can check the full event here:

Global Progressive Forum
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
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