Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future – 2024

Agenda setting for a union at a crossroad

12 - 15/09/2024
09:00 - 18:00
Siena, Italy
Certosa di Pontignano, Siena.
Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future – 2024

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The EU is navigating unprecedented challenges that question its very foundation. Recent technological advancements that increase complexity have made it difficult to manage pressing big questions of our time, such as peace, the ecological and digital transformation of Europe’s productive capacity and affordable housing. Moreover, the EU elections resulted in a seat distribution beyond the ideological left-right party divide, forcing politicians to engage in negotiations beyond traditional party lines to reach majorities.

Thus, the Vision Think Tank, in partnership with the University of Siena and the European University Institute (EUI), organises the fifth Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future from 12 to 15 September in Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italy, in collaboration with the think tanks of the five largest European political parties; besides FEPS the other political foundations will be represented by the Martens Institute, the European Liberal Forum, New Direction, and the Green European Foundation. Therefore, the conference aims to provide a multi-partisan problem-solving hub of ideas at a time crucial to Europe’s future.

Under the motto ‘Agenda Setting for a Union at a Crossroad’, around 80 intellectuals, policymakers, entrepreneurs, managers, journalists, economists and students will gather in Siena to join a more informal conversation on the European future and its most recent challenges. In five plenary sessions co-organised with the European think tanks and four problem-solving groups, they will discuss topics such as peace, democracy, transatlantic relationships, EU enlargement, protecting workers’ rights, just and sustainable economic growth and AI and the digital transition. The conference will culminate in the Pontignano Paper, outlining proposals that could shape future EU policies. 

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues participates in the opening panel:

12 September 2024, 10:45 – 11:45: Time for agenda setting feedback to the conference concept paper

Introduction by: Francesco Grillo, Director at Vision Think Tank, Professor at Bocconi University and Visiting Fellow at the EUI


  • Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President and former Portuguese Minister of Employment
  • Romano Prodi, Former Italian Prime Minister and President of the European Commission
  • Raffaele Fitto, Italy’s Minister for European Policies
  • Chair: Pilita Clark, Associate Editor and Business Columnist, Financial Times

FEPS also organises one of the five panel discussions: 

14 September 2024, 09:30 – 10:30: A full-capacity Europe: Industrial renewal and investment strategy – How can competitiveness and competition benefit all member states? 

Introduction by: David Rinaldi, Director of Studies and Policy, FEPS

More information on the programme and speakers is available here.

Should you have any questions regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy (

European University Institute (EUI)
University of Siena
Vision Think Tank
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