This theme centres on the EU’s role in striving for peace and development within a new multipolar global order, nurturing transatlantic relations but also strengthening ties with the Global south. It emphasises foresight capabilities, European Strategic Autonomy, and the EU’s commitment to the reconstruction and rebuilding of Ukraine

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European defence for security and peace

Ensuring the security and well-being of its citizens is at the core of the European […]

Transforming housing policy in war-affected Ukraine

Progressive Ukraine series
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Applying a gender lens to Ukraine’s reconstruction

Ukraine Solidarity Day
FEPS HQ, Brussels

FEPS New Year Reception & Progressive Yearbook launch

6th edition
FEPS HQ, Brussels

The Social Transformation of Ukraine

Progressive insights on reconstruction and inclusion
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Find all Progressive Post on World
Progressive Post

Serbia’s students roar, the EU still whispers: time to speak up


The EU and the Ukrainian people deserve more than armaments


How the EU can support Europe’s NATO


Rebuilding European security via a ‘supra-governmental avantgarde’

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Europe’s defence strategy must be peace-oriented

FEPS Position Paper on European defence

Launch of the new Open Progressive University’s Ukraine programme!

We have launched the new programme ‘Progressive Ukraine’ in collaboration with S&D Group as part […]

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues at the 2024 Understanding China Conference

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues participated in the 2024 Understanding China Conference, “Carry through the […]
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In the media


by Novi Vremena 27/03/2025
In the article "Europe’s defence strategy must be peace-oriented", the Bulgarian media Novi Vremena highlights FEPS position on European defence strategy presented by László Andor, David Rinaldi and Beatriz Abellán.

Las COP ya “no sirven” y deben ser reformadas, claman expertos en política climática

by La Vanguardia 15/11/2024
"COPs are “no longer useful” and in need of reform, say climate policy experts" Read this article of La Vanguardia about an open letter sent to Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, calling for a comprehensive reform of the climate conferences. Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, is among the signatories.

Ex-EU-Kommissar Andor: Orbán gerät an die Peripherie

by Austria Presse Agentur 28/05/2024
"Former EU Commissioner Andor: Orbán is relegated to the periphery" Austrian news agency APA interviewed FEPS Secretary General László Andor on Europe's political situation ahead of the upcoming EU elections.

FEPS President on Euronews talk-show ‘Brussels, my love?’

by Euronews 16/03/2024
FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues discusses NATO expansions and elections in Russia and Portugal on Euronews talk-show ‘Brussels, my love?‘

What are Hungary’s conditions for lifting its Ukraine Facility veto?

by Euractiv 12/01/2024
In this episode, Evi Kiorri asks Andriy Korniychuk, policy analyst and expert on Ukraine matters at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies: what are Viktor Orbán's conditions, and why is Hungary considering changing its position?
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Ukraine’s housing policy in the face of war with Vita Shnaider

📺🔊 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast In the latest episode, Vita Shnaider, a […]

Ukraine’s housing policy in the face of war with Vita Shnaider

📺🔊 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast In the latest episode, Vita Shnaider, a […]

‘Realising the ambition of the Summit of the Future’ Flickr album

Co-organised by the UN Office in Brussels and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies – FEPS, participants at the post-summit […]

‘State of the Unions 2024’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘State of the Unions‘ event in FEPS HQ, Brussels. As the […]

‘T20/G20 Inputs for the SOTF’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ”T20/G20 Inputs for the SOTF‘ event at the UN Summit of […]

‘A New Global Deal – Reforming world governance’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ”A New Global Deal‘ event at the UN Summit of the […]
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Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Network and Team


FEPS Policy Analyst on International Relations
Beatriz Abellán (she/her) joined FEPS in September 2024 as a Policy Analyst on International Relations. […]


Director of Studies and Policy
David supervises and coordinates FEPS’ scientific quality and consultancy capacity, ensuring the policy-relevance and impact […]

Thainá LEITE

Project Management Coordinator
Thainá Leite works as Project Management Coordinator and is responsible for projects on International Affairs […]
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