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The Politics of Polycrisis


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Understanding youth engagement in the 2024 European elections

China: Dangerous rival or cooperation partner?

How can EU-China relations develop in a changing world with geopolitical conflicts?

A unified industrial strategy for the EU

Industrial policy recommendations to promote decarbonisation, competitiveness and cohesion in Europe
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Civil society wants a new EU social agenda with Anne Van Lancker

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Right turns and Left leans: A New gender divide in young voters? with Gefjon Off

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Brussels, Belgium

Capital and wealth taxation in the EU

Ways forward on the path for Social Justice
Prague, Czech Republic

Social democratic failures and comebacks

Hard lessons to learn, inspiring examples to follow
FEPS HQ, Brussels

Industrial Renewal – No strategy, no party

Policy study launch
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FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues at the 2024 Understanding China Conference


Your Future is Social – A Pillar for our Rights 

Video series - Why social rights must top the new EU agenda and how to make it happen

Join Tax the EU Billionaires Day!


Notice of vacancy – Policy analyst on international relations

This vacancy is now closed.
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In the media

The need to strengthen policies for a Social Europe

by Le Club de Mediapart 29/10/2024
Article by Le Club Mediapart about the presentation of FEPS Primer's Greek edition, 'Social Europe: From Vision to Vigour' with László Andor and Björn Hacker in an event coorganised with ETERON in Athens.

Brussels, my love? Europe’s economy in a struggle for survival

by Euronews 21/10/2024
FEPS director of studies and policy David Rinaldi participated in this episode of Euronews’ show ‘Brussels my love’.

Megadóztatná a szupergazdagokat? Ha igen, most tehet valamit

by Zöld Hang 04/10/2024
'Would you tax the super-rich? If so, you can do something now' Interview to FEPS Secretary General, László Andor on the 'Tax the rich' EU initiative by the Hungarian newspaper Zöld Hang.

Von der Leyen promised an EU commissioner to tackle the housing crisis – what would be their remit?

by Euronews 13/08/2024
Read this Euronews article featuring an interview with David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, in which he stresses that it’s now time for the EU to devise a housing initiative for the middle class too.
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