

As the political landscape is vastly changing and marked by multiple crises, this publication brought by FEPS and the Fabian Society engages in an essential ideological debate about progressive values in the 21st century. 

With contributions by a diverse set of authors –from EU-UK leading politicians, outstanding academics, and renowned experts on public opinion- it features an incredible variety of reflections on progressivism today. 

This essay collection is a spin-off material of the annual FEPS-Fabians Conference of 2022. The book is meant to inspire conversations about progressivism in the UK and the EU, hinting that Social democrats will thrive if they prove to be a movement based on integrity, which fights for inclusive societies and dares to imagine a fairer, better future for everyone.

Edited by Kate Murray and Ania Skrzypek

Contributors: Panny Antoniou, Jon Bloomfield, Patrick Diamond, Anneliese Dodds MP, Marcin Duma, Preet Kaur Gill MP, Christian Krell, Marius S. Ostrowski, Tomáš Petříček, Thijs Reuten MEP, Andreas Schieder MEP, Ania Skrzypek and Kaisa Vatanen.

Fabian Society
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In the media

Durchhalten ist nicht unmöglich

by Frankfurter Hefte 06/12/2023
'Persevering is not impossible' Article by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, on the future of social democracy in Europe

Sluta tro att SD-männen bara skojar om politiken

by AFTONBLADET 30/05/2023
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Polacy nieufni i “wyjątkowi” – “popandemiczne” badanie w UE

by TOK FM 22/05/2023
'Poles distrustful and "exceptional" - "post-pandemic" survey in the EU' TOK FM. Interview with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, about the results of FEPS' European survey in six EU countries and the 'uniqueness' of the responses of the Polish people.

Santos Silva alerta que extrema-direita “é uma doença que pode ser fatal para a democracia”

by Observador 30/01/2023
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