

Progressive ambition: How to shape Europe in the next decade‘ is the 15th volume of the renowned Next Left‘ book series, which has proudly promoted new ideas for the future of social democracy since 2009.

Consequently, this edition opens with a foreword by Andreas Schieder, MEP and chair of Next Left, results from meticulous work by top scholars from across the EU and is an invitation to embark on an intellectual quest in three chapters

The first focuses on how to govern with progressive purpose in turbulent times by comparing innovations attempted elsewhere in the world (such as Bidenomics), posing the unavoidable question of financial means and exploring how to consolidate centre-left voices across different levels of representative democracy.

The second chapter – Forging a resilient EU agenda – tackles how to manage the triple transformation, keep the principles of empowerment and democracy in the workplace, and strive for social progress through a Social Europe.

The last chapter – Building viable coalitions for progress – examines the implications of tectonic shifts in voter attitudes, warns against becoming a force of preservation and defines strategies to halt the march of the radical right

—– Reviews —-

“We are living in perilous times. War, inflation and the integrity of our democratic systems are among the biggest threats and challenges we face today. This book dives headfirst into these existential crises of our regime and provides guidance for the social democratic movement on how to respond to the most pressing issues of our day and age. From geopolitics and the balance of power to climate change, from social democratic economics to EU reform, in this book you will find truly progressive and groundbreaking answers from the authors, which can help the reader to navigate in such turbulent waters.”

João Albuquerque, MEP, S&D Group, Portugal

The role of FEPS in shaping the future of social democracy is pivotal. Your vision, well provided in the book, will guide us after the European elections to aspire to a more progressive Europe. Social economy, climate movements and new technologies are only few of the challenges that are mentioned and that should be addressed by all of us with fresh thinking and effective action.”

Brando Benifei, MEP, S&D Group, Italy 

This book could not be more timely. It provides a 360-degree reflection on the important challenges faced by the progressives in a changing world, from economics to social justice or strategies in consolidating a voter base and political alliances. Most importantly, it offers crucial perspectives and ideas for conceiving of progressive politics going ahead, reflecting on what role the EU should be in this process.”

Amandine Crespy, Professor in Political Science & EU Studies, CEVIPOL, Institut d’Études Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles 

“While Europe is facing the challenge of the century – the transformation towards climate neutrality – this volume presents bold and relevant ideas for making it a just transition.”

Matthias Ecke, MEP, S&D Group, Netherlands

“As social democrats confront the challenges of the 21st century – decarbonization, democratizing economic life, addressing democratic backsliding – they need fresh ideas and perspective. This volume, in bringing together scholars from across Europe, provides new thinking about European progressive project. ” 

Jane Gingrich, Professor of Social Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention (DSPI), University of Oxford and a Senior Research Fellow at Green Templeton College

Karl Renner Institut
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