00:00 - 00:00
Multilateralism at stake: Europe, global powers, regional organizations and UN system reform

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Online Symposium, Thursday, 22 April 2021, 14:00-16:30 CET via Zoom

Today’s multilateral system is in a deep crisis, precisely when it is more needed. Against this backdrop, and in order to both protect and renew the multilateral agenda, FEPS and its partner organisations have been working for a year and a half with high-level experts from across the world to develop a blueprint for a renewed multilateralism and have already published the report ‘Renewing Multilateralism for the 21st Century’ on the eve of the 75th UN General Assembly last September.

The outcomes of this systematic analysis was presented during the event: our panellists examined the role of regional organisations such as the EU, the African Union, Mercosur and ASEAN as drivers of a new multilateralism, and we also discussed the concrete changes that are needed to make the system fit for the future.

The book ‘Reforming Multilateralism in Post-COVID times’, edited by Prof. Mario Telò, was also launched during the event, where several authors intervened as speakers.

This event took place within the framework of the preparatory events leading to the Global Progressive Forum 2021.

Registration Programme | Speaker biographies

On the same topic…

  • Book: Reforming Multilateralism in Post-COVID times | Read
  • Website: UNited for a New Multilateralism | Link
  • Report: Renewing Multilateralism for the 21st Century | Pdf
  • Conference: ‘United for a New, Fair and Inclusive Multilateralism’, 18 September 2021 | Watch
  • Podcast: #48 FEPS Talks – For a new, fair and inclusive multilateralism | Listen

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Global Progressive Forum
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