

This 14th volume of the Next Left Book series is the outcome of the work by the FEPS-Renner Institut Next Left Focus Group, for which members carried out research and debates under the leadership of Andreas Schieder, Chair of the programme and MEP.

The publication depicts a set of the tough political choices Progressives face in these complex, turbulent times. In less than two decades, there has been a major financial crash, a pandemic, and war broke out following brutal aggression from Russia against Ukraine. Evidently, each of these has had multiple consequences and fuelled public anxiety about potential trajectories for the future. This is, therefore, the time to step in and stand tall.

It is a moment to reflect on the alternatives and select those consistent with core values and principles such as equality, solidarity and democracy. Integrity is the key to success, and this volume tries to contribute to thinking about how it translates to a contemporary context when it comes to the following: redefining the meaning of transformative solidarity and a life-cycle approach; predistribution and redistributive justice; reclaiming freedom as a progressive notion and democratising governance in a state of emergency; forging cohesion; and recreating a meaningful prospect for social progress for all.

To that end, showcasing the ability to choose and persevere with that choice is not only a question of restoring the movement’s self-confidence. It is also about the greater service of changing the dominant narrative; breaking out from all the doomsday scenarios; empowering citizens with a powerful, plausible and positive vision.

The book was launched during the Next Left Focus Group event.

Karl Renner Institut
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