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UNited for a different migration
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On 11 July 2018 after lengthy consultations with stakeholders and negotiations among the UN Member States, the text of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was finalised. It will be formally adopted by the UN Member States in Marrakesh, Morocco, next December. For the first time a multilateral international agreement will tackle in a comprehensive and humane way all dimensions of one of the most challenging phenomena of our times.

In view of this historical event and considering the growing anti-migration and xenophobic sentiments that are spreading in the European continent and elsewhere, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies established a FEPS Global Migration Group, which met twice – in Rome and Dakar – with the aim of formulating a new progressive vision on migration. The Group will meet once more in New York, on 21st September on the occasion of the conference UNITED for a different migration that FEPS is organising in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Fondation Jean Jaurès, the Fondazione Italianieuropei and with the support of a number of national foundations.

UNited for a different Migration

This will be an outstanding opportunity to present the result of the FEPS Global Migration Group’s finding and, above all, to reflect on the implications of the Global Compact and discuss on the way forwards for its implementation in the future with outstanding speakers from politics, civil society, international organisations, NGOs, academia, and think tanks.


  • Josep Borrell, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Spain
  • Giuliano Amato, Former Prime Minister of Italy, Chair of the FEPS Global Migration Group, Italy
  • Juan José Gómez Camacho and Jürg Lauber, Co-facilitators of the Intergovernmental Consultations and Negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
  • Louise Arbour, United Nations Special Representative for International Migration


  • Astrid Silva, Mexican-American Political Activist; DREAMER
  • Jean-Marc Ayrault, Former French Prime Minister
  • Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President
  • Neera Tanden, President and CEO of Center for American Progress
  • Khalid Mahmood, UK Shadow Minister for Europe; Member of Parliament
  • Ted Terry, Mayor of Clarkston, Georgia, USA
Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Fondazione Italianieuropei
Fondazione Pietro Nenni
Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)
Tankesmedja Tiden
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